
Sunrise Sometimes

Photo by Patrick on Unsplash

The Roosters are waking each other up
Or so it seems
I am not privy to their language
So I admire from the sidelines

I hear them
Row back through each neighborhood
Each with
And most importantly
Honestly true
To the song they sing too

This isn't a bad morning

Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash

A few hours ago I was sprinkled with rose petals
Pink like lemonade
With yellow roots-
I too know how
To embrace
My sprites

Every petal of this Rose
Sprung into this world
With purpose

In all of the worlds
And of all of the stems
It could have been
It chose this dimension
Just to spend some time with me



Stephanie Mccabe

Witch Doctor.Mystic.Tarot Reader.Radical progressive. Starshamans.org /Support my work @patreon.com/Starshaman /Shop @www.etsy.com/shop/MoonbeamTendencies