Stephanie Mccabe
3 min readMay 17, 2024



Photo by Daniele La Rosa Messina on Unsplash

Calling men out for shitty behaviors is not man hating.
For fucks sake

I keep getting replies or comments like " ughhh but uh I totally know some. Toxic chicks too...." And the like.
No shit Sherlock

But I am not on here writing about how men need to behave in society in order for them not to be assaulted, or injured, attacked or raped. Or even to just have access to the very basics.

When misogynists spittle on about women they are claiming an absolute ism that is somehow supposed to convince the rest of us and justify their violence against us if we do not submit to said behaviors. When woman speak up and complain about them, or even attempt to call out or hold them responsible - it is not the same thing. Y'all can't decenter yourselves for a fucking minute, can you?

When women share their experiences with each other or about the experiences that are all too common, regardless of what is said- we get policed. We get told to not be so paranoid, or hateful , or careless, or judgemental, to make better choices and to choose better. Stop being such a slut. Well obviously you had it coming to you because you wouldn't put out.

You smile too much or not enough.
And whatever unclever regurgitated washed up bull that deflects the blame off of you.



Stephanie Mccabe

Witch Doctor.Mystic.Tarot Reader.Radical progressive. /Support my work /Shop